Impressionen - Moringa aus Paraguay

Moringa aus Paraguay Moringa aus Paraguay Moringa aus Paraguay Moringa aus Paraguay Moringa aus Paraguay
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Moringa aus Paraguay 5 text

Third Party Compatibility Styling

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Compatibility styling constitutes basic CSS alterations to better integrate the extensions with the template, rather than full theme integration. Example extensions: K2, Tienda, Virtuemart and JomSocial.

Note: All the extensions below and their peripheries will not be included in the RocketLauncher package. You will need to download and install separately.

Control Third Party Styling

Enabled or Disable from Admin → Extensions → Template Manager → rt_omnicron_j15 → Advanced → Third Party Styling. Disable if you are not using any of the extensions for performance purposes.

All styling is located in the /templates/rt_omnicron_j15/css/extended.css file, so any customizations you wish to make, edit the contents of that CSS file.


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Moringa - Paraguay